As Christians, we recognize that all we have is because of God.

In return, sharing these gifts through our tithes and offerings demonstrates our love in a tangible way for God and our neighbors.

Online Pledging
A pledge is an individual or family’s annual commitment to the church of their tithes and offerings in support of our church’s ministry and mission. Pledges support all we do at Lakewood UMC including funding for worship, programs for children, Bible studies, pastoral care and support, mission trips, community service, operational needs, and paying our staff.

We plan our budget for ministry and missions based off of these recurring gifts. For questions or help with financial giving, please email our Office Administrator.
Electronic giving is secure, quick, and easy to set up using a debit or credit card or bank account. You can give a recurring gift through our secure online giving platform.
Pledge Now
Mobile-Giving App
Give using our Church App.

For more information on why we give, visit the following link: